Fallout: The Board Game and Do Epic Shit Red Blend

64 Fallout

Welcome to another episode of Meeples and Wine! This time we’ll be discussing Fallout: The Board Game while drinking Do Epic Shit – 2021 Red Wine Blend from Browne Family Vineyards.

The wine is a full-bodied Paso Robles Red Blend with notes of raspberry, cherry, black pepper, and dark chocolate. It pairs well with bold foods.

Fallout: The Board Game is a post-nuclear adventure board game for one to four players. Players take on the role of survivors in a wasteland and explore, fight enemies, complete quests, and build their skills. The game is won by whoever comes out ahead by venturing through the game and gaining influence. However, if a single faction is empowered too quickly, everyone loses.

The game includes action points, area movement, dice rolling, hand management, modular board, and narrative choice/paragraph mechanics.

The podcast episode also talks about Don’t Starve: The Board Game on Kickstarter and ends with the hosts’ contact information and new trivia night.

If you’ve got a game that you’d like us to demo get in touch at meeplesandwine@gmail.com, at our Twitter (@Meeplesandwine) or Facebook or if you’d like to leave us a voicemail you can go to 


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